Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is currently in the news after an unfortunate incident on Thursday afternoon where she was molested by a female CISF personnel at the Chandigarh airport. The actress, who won the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, was on her way to Delhi for Parliament when the incident took place.
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Well, after this incident, netizens are talking about the security breach and questioning the security standards. They also supported Kangana Ranaut and reacted strongly to the incident.
Kangana Ranaut slap incident:
One user wrote, ‘Difference of opinion should not lead to violence’, while others commented, ‘This is a security breach in itself! Also, why is the CISF constable giving priority to personal opinion over duty? It raises the question of assignment and allocation of duties at Chandigarh Airport.
Have a look at netizens reaction to Kangana Ranaut’s slap incident:
Kangana reached Delhi and shared a video in which she said she was safe but raised questions about the situation in Punjab. He said, ‘First, I am safe and perfectly well. What happened at Chandigarh airport happened during the security check.
As I finished the check, a CISF personnel in another cabin was waiting for me to overcharge him and immediately came towards me and hit me in the face. He also abused me. When I asked why he did this, he said he supported the farmers’ protest. My concern is, how do we deal with the growing terrorism in Punjab?’
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